Complaints process

The College of Chiropractors of Alberta (CCOA) has an obligation under the Health Professions Act to ensure the public receives safe and effective care from competent chiropractors. 

When the CCOA receives a written complaint, the Complaints Director reviews the complaint and considers whether it is within the College mandate to resolve. If it is within our mandate, the Complaints Director has a number of avenues to proceed:

See our one-page flow chart outlining our processes under the HPA
See our approach to outcomes
The College of Chiropractors of Alberta may use several types of resolution, depending on the circumstances of the complaint. These include direct resolution, resolution with consent, investigation, and dismissal of complaint. 

Direct resolution

Direct Resolution is an informal resolution process best suited for single-issue complaints usually related to practice management or explanation of a treatment decision. With this process, the CCOA takes a step back and encourages the chiropractor to work directly with the complainant to resolve the matter.

More details about Direction Resolution can be found in the following brochures:

Direct Resolution brochure for complainants  
Direct Resolution brochure for chiropractors

Resolve with consent

Resolve with Consent is a resolution process most effective when a chiropractor needs to make a change to their practice, yet the complaint seems fairly straightforward. In this case, the CCOA will work directly with the chiropractor to make necessary practice changes. Agreement from the complainant is required to proceed with this approach.

More details about Resolve with Consent can be found in the following brochures:

Resolve with Consent brochure for complainants  
Resolve with Consent brochure for chiropractors


An investigation is a formal process used when informal resolution fails or when more information is necessary to fully understand the issue(s). An investigation is also mandatory for complaints involving a serious allegation of unprofessional conduct.

More details about the investigation process can be found in the following brochures:

Investigation brochure for complainants  
Investigation brochure for chiropractors

Dismissal of complaint

After careful review of all the information submitted, the Complaints Director also has the option to dismiss a complaint when there is insufficient evidence of unprofessional conduct, or if the complaint is trivial or vexatious in nature.

If the Complaints Director dismisses a complaint, the complainant can request a review of that decision.

Need more information before deciding to lodge a complaint?

Contact the Conduct Resolution Officer at 780-420-0932 x 113 or email the Complaints Director.

Ready to submit a complaint?

Please go to our submit a complaint page.